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The West Wing Fanfic
back to sorkin
by kHo

all of these link back to my live journal, because there are way too many for me to have the patience it would take to code every single one of them.

Post-Ep Related Fics / Non-Ep Related Fics

post episode fics:


pg, josh and donna post-zoey's kidnapping


pg-13, slash, josh/sam, sometime post red haven’s on fire

josh/sam & amy/donna

pg, slash, josh/sam, and amy/donna, 2 little ficlets written for michellek

Because He's Not Hulk Hogan

r, set during and it’s surely to their credit, slash, josh/sam

The Strength of Friendship

pg, set during NSF Thurmont, a ‘missing scene’ type thing, josh and sam, about donna

Flowers from Brokaw

pg-13, josh and donna, post the hubbert peak

Sometimes You Don't Hear the Fat Lady

r, slash, josh/hoynes, set post a change is gonna come


pg, josh and hoynes, a retrospective, post a change is gonna come

Drunk & Tired

pg, josh/donna, post a change is gonna come


pg, josh and toby, post in the shadow of two gunmen

On His Knees

pg-13, josh and donna,  post impact winter

What We Do

pg, leo and josh, post/during noel

An Honor and a Privilege

pg, jed and josh, missing scene in faith based initiative

Poker Face

pg, josh and santos regarding donna, post king corn

Opposite Sides

pg, santos versus vinick, post king corn

The Oldest Trick in the Book

pg-13, donna/josh, post king corn

Like Zeppelin in a Four-Star Restaurant

r, josh and leo, leo’s fall,  inspired by bartlet for america


pg, josh and donna, post king corn

Past, Meet Present

pg-13, slash, josh/hoynes, post life on mars


r, josh and donna, written for teddibear, post opposition research

Foot In Mouth

r, sequel to valuable , josh and donna, post opposition research

These Four Walls

pg-13, josh and santos, post opposition research


pg-13, cj and josh, post faith based initiative

The Things That Come Back

pg, donna remembering her first moments awake, pre memorial day

Never Trust a Bow Tie

pg, josh/donna, post king corn

Even a Goldfish Deserves a Funeral

r, donna, cause she needs a noel too

2 Fic-Addendums & 1 Post-Ep

pg-13, josh and leo, post jefferson lives

pg-13, josh and his mom, in ref to story: the things that come back

r, josh and leo, in ref to story: even a goldfish deserves a funeral

Up Against A Wall

R, slash, josh/santos

Donna and the Nine Foot Tall Chicken

pg, donna and josh, post freedonia

April Flowers

pg, josh and donna, in ref to 17 people, post freedonia


r, josh and toby, post drought conditions

Five Conversations

r, josh and toby, five conversations not shown

Worthy Adversaries

pg-13, Cliff, josh, and donna, post a good day

Absolutely Incredible

nc-17, josh/cj, post drought conditions

Not a Coat in Sight

pg, donna/josh, post good day

Getting to Know You

pg, josh and helen santos

Horrible Liar

pg-13, josh and toby, post faith based initiative

12 Year Old Fantasy

nc-17, donna/josh, josh/sam, and if you squint, josh/donna/sam

Edge of the Wave

pg, Josh and sam, friendship, during/post in the shadow of two gunmen


nc-17, josh/donna, post drought conditions, though not directly

Moving On

pg, josh/rhonna, post la palabra

It’s Not Personal, It’s Politics

r, leo and josh, post shut down


r, josh and toby, post/during/au/whatever of drought conditions

Edible Goldfish

pg, josh and danny, post danny giving cj the goldfish (episode title?)

Over Dinner

pg, donna/cliff, post good day

Five Drabbles: PotC, SN, OUTiM, RT, TWW

sn: casey and Jeremy, regarding mr shane mcarnold

tww: josh and bartlet, regarding donna

Uh... a West Wing Fic (of sorts)

a parody, wherein santos and vinick discuss the writers of tww

The Things You'll Never Say

leo, set during the birnam woods

Words of Wisdom

pg-13, josh and bartlet, set post-drought conditions

We Can't Stop This

pg, sam and josh, post-ep, or really during-ep, for Lord John Marbury

A Little Bit of Levity

pg, mallory and josh, set during/post in the shadow of two gunmen

One Last Hurrah

r, josh/toby, references to josh/sam, set after faith-based initiatives

The Thing About the Guy

pg, will, spoilers through season 6 til just before super tuesday

Shitty Day

r, josh/ryan, post disaster relief

A Thousand Times Over

r, josh/hoynes, spoilers through season 6 til just before super tuesday

Like Cary Grant

pg-13, josh/donna, danny, spoilers through season 6 til before super tuesday

A Little Bit of Creme Puffitude

pg-13, danny and josh, prequel to Like Cary Grant

Non-Conventionally Romantic

pg, josh and helen, sequel (of sorts) to poker face

Just Once

r, josh/rhonna, josh/donna, spoilers through season 6 til before super tuesday

Coulda, Woulda

pg-13, donna and amy, set during freedonia

other fics:

Things Like This Don't Happen on Tuesdays

r, donna/josh, no timeline necessary

Cute & Annoying

r, slash, josh and sam

The Power of Words  pt1 / pt 2

r, slash, josh/sam, and the power of fanfiction

Relationships Not Had

pg-13, slashish, josh/sam-ish, josh/donna-ish

A Minor Win

pg, cj/josh

In the Back of a Limo

pg-13, josh/donna, just what it says if you add the word “sex” to the beginning

Our Boys

pg, jed and leo talk about josh and sam

Losing Louisiana

pg, josh and santos, ficlet

A Night Off

pg-13, slash, josh/santos, somewhere on the campaign trial


pg-13, josh and leo, pre-administration

Sam, Josh, Donna & a Twelve Pack

r, sam/donna/josh, cause yummy, ot3

Tough Loss

pg, josh and santos and hoynes, after primaries

25 Minutes Late

nc-17, donna and karen cahill

First 100 Days

pg, a future administration

Kind of Sweet

pg, donna and cj about josh and sam

Esquire Article

pg-13, josh, santos, and danny

12 Year Old Fantasy

nc-17, donna/josh, josh/sam, and if you squint, josh/donna/sam

The List of Your Affairs is Endless

pg, slash, josh/sam, written for xsabx


pg, donna, toby, josh, future administration, for dianora2

End of the World As We Know It

pg-13, toby, set in someone else’s (smut_queen’s) au universe

In Times Like These

pg, leo & noah (josh's father), after joanie's death

Apples and Peanut Butter

pg-13, sam/ainsley, for honeyelle

Five Conversations It Hurt To Have

pg-13, john hoynes, spoiler for season 6 finale in last section

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